
Showing posts from August, 2020

Accept Your Exceptions

Rejections are the weakness of human nature. Actually it decreases the confidence of growing our value towards anyone.Mostly people rejects you because they know that you can do great work than him.People try to pull leg everytime when you start a new work ,but you have to overcome with these situations and focus to your goal.That is the real part of living a life with positive attitude. Positive nature  is the best way to get your confidence , and if you are self confident you can easily overcome with your rejections.

Poem : Our Champions

15th August, the Pride Of our nation And Solute to all the Champions standing on border for us. They born , the sun rises They are the Champions Who burn themself to protect us from every crises. They stand every minute  To protect everyone sleep They are the the stars who burn but shine They are always in our heart from noon to nine They are the champions They are the soldiers 

Poem : sky

           The light of positivity come                         and reflects But the immortality of it's beauty never end    This whole world is surrounded with it    But nobody knows from where it starts                       and where it end.